Foster/adoptive/kinship families are invited to drop the kids off on Saturday, April 5 for a Parents' Morning Out. Foster, adoptive, kinship, and biological children in the home are invited to attend! This event will take place at various locations in Locust, NC:
-K-12th grade girls will be attending a day of pampering at Pure Vitality Med Spa from 9am-12pm. They'll enjoy mini facials, fairy hair, manicures, and more while learning about their worth and identity in Christ.
-K-12th grade boys will be at Greater Life Church in Locust from 9am-12pm. They'll hang out with strong mentors who will teach them outdoors skills and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. They'll even create some cool STEM projects.
-0-4 year old children will be at Greater Life Church in Locust from 9am-12pm for crafts, games, activities, and movies with our background checked and kids-ministry-trained volunteers!
Sign up here!
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